Wednesday 16 February 2011

Self promotion: Pursuit of arrogance ?

What up my fellow blog observing enthuasists ?

It's been a few weeks since my last post and it's felt a lot longer so I decided to write down so angry compliants in a constructive manner.

So as you probably know I'm a trainee first year journalist. What I've learnt since I've begun is confidence is certainly key and of course skills..and the other thing. What I've found during the lecturers and glances of freelance journalists is one thing, it seems to get anywhere in this industry is you have to arrogant and a (shameful) self promoter and these are just two qualities I really don't want to pick up, just like rickets or scurvy.

I like to think I'm a modest guy and I hate blowing my trumpet (mainly since I don't have one) and the idea of going around saying (in a dramatised fashion) "Hey I'm totally brilliant, I'm so super amazing and better then everyone", I've spent a majority of my life being put down by people like this and don't want to put anyone in a situation like that.

It just feel likes I've got a needless ruthless edge I don't need, I know as a journalist we need to advertise our skills but I prefer to let my (well mainly the best ones, which maybe aren't many) work do that talking, and not my attention hungry ego.

Confidence is good but it's difficult to keep in check before it becomes shear arrogance. I've always found arrogance is the main ingredient in major downfalls, something which has happened to me when I've over stepped the mark and to over people and it's tends to be a cruel reality check tasting a lot like bland chicken mixed with nasty stuff.

I just don't what to wind like an over confident editor who's basically hated and has no passion for their job but is just more interested in boosting their ego's that little more.

OK this post may have been slightly motivated by jealousy and irritation that I've found some of these arrogant individuals (with media experience and not) tend to be the ones that win the metaphorical day as if their some glorified Superman/woman individual whilst I'm the hideous bad guy who gets nothing. However with the ever changing landscape of comics and the representation of heroes and villains changing you never know that hideous (but compelling pretty in a morbid manner) chap may just prevail all justice style and all..

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